I don't like the Dr. Neo Cortex version in the first few games, I do believe in Crash Twinsanity they should have stopped with that version of him. From that point onwards he just looks too realistic (cause I see yellow bald people with ray guns chasing bandicoots all the time) and not cartoony enough like the old Crash Games.
Ah defeating the old characters like Rippa Roo, and Koala Kong. And Pinstripe, it's a shame they didn't really use him in later games. I thought he was pretty cool. What about Koala Kong and Tiny...oh the joy of it all. Crash Bandicoot would have to be one of the best games ever from the old days.
After a while today I began to play Crash Bandicoot 3: WARPED! My favorite of the original trilogy. But my god the graphics are baaaaaaaaaad. But what can you expect from last century game software productions (lets not get nerdy now).
I love the names of the characters. N.Gin, N.Trophy, N. Brio such classics, makes me wish I thought of it first sometimes. Oh well. If you've played the games before, play them again when you can, you never know how much fun you'll have.
Petite j'etait amoureuse de Cortex a cause de son extravagance et de Crash par ce que c'etait une vrai petite bouille d'amour<3