So I got bored with one of my characters (girlfriend did anyway) and decided I wanted to change my look on DC Universe Online. I then soon realised that the only thing you can really change is the hair colour and your clothes here and then. Can't change the color pallet, can't change ya skin tone, can't even give yaself wings if you wanted to without buying them from some vendor (players will know what I'm talking about). So I had to start all over again. Bla bla bla, went through the process of creating a character and choosing a costume, then I got back to that damn darn flaming Harvester air shuttle of Brainiacs. I hate that ship. It's where everyone begins...and my babe has started over again three times already I'm sick of that ship!

Of course it'd be okay if I hadn't seen it ten thousand times because of internet drop outs, world interruptions and people wanting to play when I'm half way off the blasted flying pile of bolts! Oh well, at least getting off the ship is easier than pwning a noob on the game. And that's easy and oh so fun.
Coincidentally I've also given my blog a new look. If you wish, comment as much as you like. Or ask questions.
I'm off to make a new Midget Supervillain and rid at least on world of hippies!
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