Yes that's right folks I am so bored I am blogging about boredom! How to deal with boredom you ask? Do something fun moron! This is a random site not some help line. But I'll be somewhat helpful I guess since you took the time to read this blog (you're probably bored too yeah?) (Don't answer that). Go play with some spoons. Find something to do with spoons I bet you could find a million things to do with spoons, such as...

... cereal...that's a good fun way to pass time. Or slapping two of them on your knee like a slack jawed yokel who thinks spoons and whiskey jugs count as instruments and instruments count as having some kind of degree thus making them the self proclaimed leader of the very prestige group of people known only as the Village Idiots Society. You often see these people running down the streets of your local towns blind drunk in nothing but what they think is a line clothe which turned into just a rope since the felt fell off two miles back. These people may in fact be members of your family and not even know it.
Well now we know what the next blog is gonna be all about.
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